Westminster presbyterian church
The Church that Cares
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            Sunday Morning Fellowship

Westminster Fellowship

Women’s Circle

Mother/Daughter Banquet

Men’s Breakfast

After Church Lunches

Fellowship Suppers

Fall Hayride and Festival




Every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. we gather in the parlor for coffee and refreshments prior to worship.  This is a time to share with our family of faith as we enjoy the presence of God and the friendship of our brothers and sisters of the faith community.


The Westminster Fellowship (formerly known as The Third Quarter Fellowship) is a gathering of Westminster family and friends that gets together for a meal and/or program once a month.  This is a casual fellowship gathering usually over lunch or supper at a local restaurant.  Everyone is invited to share time together as a family of God.


The Women’s Circle is a gathering of women of the church that rotates from home to home for Bible Study and fellowship.  All women are encouraged to share is this opportunity for Christian growth.  We use the Presbyterian Horizons Circle Curriculum.


Each year on the Wednesday closest to Mothers’ Day we host a dinner for all of the mothers and daughters of our church family.  A theme is chosen for the gathering and the Fellowship Hall is decked out accordingly.  The men of the church serve the meal in honor of the women who have contributed so much to our lives.


Every other Monday morning the men of the church meet at Jack’s restaurant on Florence Boulevard for breakfast.  We are notorious for answering all of the world’s problems over a thirty minute breakfast.  You are welcome to come and offer your input to these “important” discussions.


As Presbyterians we are well aware of the old adage that “If you feed them, they will come.”  Periodically throughout the year we offer lunches after church to celebrate events in the life of the church.  In so doing we foster the growth of relationships within the church family.



Much like the After Church Lunches, our Fellowship Suppers are designed to create the understanding that a church is a family.  We share time together so that we can encourage each other in our journeys of faith and interact in discussions over thoughts and ideas for continued ministry in the Shoals community.



Each fall members and friends of Westminster gather at “the Offutt Compound” for an evening of fun and fellowship.  We have a bonfire, roast hotdogs, play football and Frisbee, paint pumpkins and take hayrides through “the haunted forest.”  Set on several acres of picturesque country right within the city limits we enjoy the beauty of God’s creation within the fellowship of the gathered community of faith.  All are invited.